Cynthia Lane
Karl Miller
Odessa Career & Technical Early College High School (OCTECHS)
Odessa College is home to Odessa Career & Technical Early College High School (OCTECHS). In 2015, OCTECHS was one of only four new ECHS campuses with a career and technical education (CTE) focus. It was designed as part of the tri-agency CTE ECHS initiative by the Texas Education Agency, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Texas Workforce Commission. OCTECHS is the high school of choice for 400 students, freshman through seniors. In addition, OCTECHS graduates can continue their higher education pursuits at Odessa College in the BAAS programs.
Associate in Applied Science
- Automotive Technology
- Business Leadership
- Child Development
- Construction Management
- Criminal Justice
- Culinary Arts
- Instrumentation and Electronics Technology (Automation)
- Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology
- Paralegal
- Welding Technology
Application Information
Students wanting to attend OCTECHS must complete an application for the upcoming school year. Each year OCTECHS accepts 125 students for the freshmen class. However, due to the nature of the program courses, OCTECHS only welcomes incoming freshmen.
Odessa College ECHS Application
Create an account using an email address you can access. Select Early College High School as the Academic Level and either OCA or OCTECHS as the Academic Program. Please contact your OC liaison or Wrangler Express if you need help completing the application.
ECHS Summer Bridge
Once you have been accepted to OCA or OCTECHS and completed the Odessa College application, please sign up for a MANDATORY Summer Bridge Session. Student & Parent/Guardian must attend only one session.
If accepted to OCA or OCTECHS, the student will attend four days of Summer Bridge which will be Monday – Thursday, July 25-28, 2022. A parent will also participate in a 3-hour session during that week with the student to learn OC email, login information, laptop responsibilities, and Blackboard access. Summer Bridge attendance is MANDATORY.
Summer Bridge Topics
- TSIA 2.0 - ELAR Test Prep
- OC Student ID
- Blackboard
- OC Student Email
- Student Planner
- OC App
- Issue Chromebooks (by ECISD)
- And MORE!
Email Login
Password: Your password will be the UPPERCASE, then lowercase characters “OCoc” plus the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). (ex, SSN = 123-45-6789, password = OCoc6789)
- Log in to your email account HERE
- Reset your email account password
- Set up your Gmail account for Gmail App (cellphone)
- Set up your Gmail account for MS Outlook (for Outlook App on cellphone)
Wrangler Portal
Click HERE to log in to the Wrangler Self-Service Page.
Wrangler Self-Service serves as a gateway to access all Odessa College student information, including:
- Student Planner: Plan your degree, register for classes and check your grades. You can also monitor your pace and progress toward your degree in preparation for graduation;
- Transcripts: Request a mailed transcript to be sent to a college or university, to an employer, or yourself.
Username: For students, your username will be the initials of your first & last name followed by your OC ID number without the leading zeros. (ex, Name: John Doe & student ID is 00123456 then your username = jd123456.)
Password: Your password will be the lowercase characters “oc” plus the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). (ex, SSN = 123-45-6789, password = oc6789)
Disability Services & Learning Assistance
If you have any special needs or issues about your access to and participation in any course at Odessa College, don’t hesitate to contact the Office of Disability Services by phone at 432-335-6861 or email at to request assistance and accommodations. You can also visit their website below to find additional information or fill out a Request for Accommodations form.
OC Student Resources and Help
There are many resources available to you as an Odessa College student. Click on the link below to find more information about tutoring services, Microsoft 365, TechSmith Relay, Respondus Lockdown Browser, and more!
- OC Resources
- ECHS and BIT
- 2022-23 ECHS Student ID
- 2022-23 ECHS Campus Safety Protocol
- 2022-23 ECHS Parking